[ltp] Thinkpad R40 and IrDA to a mobile phone

Marius Gedminas linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 24 May 2004 19:52:04 +0300

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On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 05:27:21PM +0100, Tony Whitmore wrote:
> Hi Konstantin, thanks for your help. I couldn't find a reference to=20
> "nss-ircc" - is this a kernel module in 2.6.6?

You misspelled "nsc-ircc".

I do not use 2.6 yet, but I see nsc-ircc.c in an old 2.6.2 source tree.
I do not think it disappeared since then.

I managed to get FIR working on my T23, but it wasn't easy (and I only
managed it thanks to this mailing list IIRc).  Here's what needs to be
done to get FIR working on a T23 with a 2.4 kernel:

  1. Enable IrDA in the BIOS.  (I had to flash my BIOS to a later
     version because of a bug in the original T23 BIOS the IrDA option
     would be stuck in 'OS controlled' state and IrDA would not work in
     Linux.)  Write down the I/O port and IRQ numbers.

  2. Verify that dmesg reports a serial port on that I/O port
     (/dev/ttyS1 in my case).

If using SIR is enough,

  3a. irattach /dev/ttyS1

If you want FIR, do instead

  3b. Edit /etc/modules.conf:
       alias irda0 nsc-ircc
       options nsc-ircc dongle_id=3D0x09 io=3D0x2f8 irq=3D3
       pre-install nsc-ircc setserial /dev/ttyS1 uart none port 0 irq 0

  4b. irattach irda0

I tried a number of various dongle IDs until finally one of them worked.
I/O port and IRQ come from step 1.  The pre-install step is important,
otherwise the I/O port and IRQ will be claimed by the serial driver and
prevent nsc-ircc from using the IrDA port.

> I tried running the command as you suggested, and it returned the=20
> following errors:
> tony@davros:~$ sudo irattach -s irda0
> Password:
> Invalid module name [-s] !
> Usage: irattach <dev> [-d dongle] [-s] [-v] [-h]
>        <dev> is tty name, device name or module name

It should be clear from this error message that irattach wants the
device name (irda0) to precede -s on the command line.

The -s argument is optional -- it enables IrDA device discovery by
periodically sending beacon frames on the infrared device.

Marius Gedminas
Did you know that 7/5 people don't know how to use fractions?

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