[ltp] thinkpad T23 and wirelessI got a T23 on Ebay almost two years ago
but it wasn't a resell; it actually was sold by IBM. I'm just starting to
use it more and i'm wondering how I would know for sure whether it has a
wireless card or not. Would this show up in an lspci probe? Maybe there's
a visual way to tell but i'm blind so I can't just look at the computer to
find out. should I assume I don't have one if lspci doesn't indicate it. I
do know that i have an Intel corp ethernet card (am using it) and a modem
that works with ltmodem (lucent I believe; have had that working and used
it too). Sorry if this is a really obvious question!!!
Cheryl Homiak
Tue, 25 May 2004 11:51:05 -0500 (CDT)
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."