[ltp] Thinkpad R40 and IrDA to a mobile phone

Tony Whitmore linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 25 May 2004 19:10:32 +0100

Konstantin wrote:
> hi,
> sorry it was my fault. Here are the changed commands, which I've tested on a IBM T40 and Linux 2.6.6-mm4
> insmod /lib/modules/2.6.6-mm4/kernel/drivers/net/irda/nsc-ircc.ko io=0x2f8 irq=3 dma=3 dongle_id=0x09
> modprobe ircomm-tty
> irattach irda0
> irattach irda0 -s is not necessary
> My modules.conf settings doesn't worked. Thx for Marius Gedminas for the settings, I will try them later, maybe this will do it.
> I can't use IRDA with my wlan card, I have an external Netgear ...

I might be being very dumb, but I still can't find where the nsc-ircc 
module is enabled in the kernel configuration. I'm running a stock 2.6.6 
kernel, and I've looked through all the options in drivers/net/irda and 
none of them say they produce the nsc-ircc module. Yes, the source code 
file it still within the tree - I just can't find where to activate it.

