[ltp] Re: Q: HD active protection sys for Linux???

Osho GG linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 28 Nov 2004 08:47:36 -0800

On Friday 26 November 2004 3:19 pm, Volker Braun wrote:
> Personally, I do not think that the APS is all that useful. How do you
> drop the computer while sitting in front of it? And if I drop the machine
> and the screen cracks, the hdd might just as well break, too. You have
> backups, don't you? Plus the extra mechanical stress from frequent
> emergency parks.

APS is not only useful when thinkpad is dropped. It is very useful when it is 
being carried around while laptop is not suspended - which is it's primary 

Where I am at, there are literally hundreds of thinkpads (of many different 
models, sizes, specs). If you ask support guys what is the #1 hardware 
problem they get - they would say hard drive gone bad in thinkpads. The 
reason is that everyone moves so often during day from one meeting to another 
and not everyone bothers to even suspend to RAM. I have seen people walking 
around with their laptop open holding it by the top edge of the LCD screen 
dangling it like it was a little child cradle. I heard from our support guys 
that IBM invented this APS only because they had too many bad hard drive 
returned which were under warranty.

Personally, I had A21p for 3-4 years and it's harddrive crashed 3 times. The 
support guys had to get new harddrive from IBM twice. The hard drive was 
under warranty both times. And I was very careful about not moving without 
suspending. However, when one moves so much, things like this are bound to 
