[ltp] Re: Linux-Thinkpad digest, Vol 1 #632 - 27 msgs

James Knott linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 03 Oct 2004 09:26:50 -0400

morpheus wrote:
> I think we're getting way off topic here....
> Well, since my memory is obviously faulty, and since you all seem to
> care so much about this particular point, I dug up the actual report. 
> Here's what it said:
> "To keep the number of tests within practical limits, only interference
> frequencies of 412MHz (Tetra), 940MHz (GSM) and 1719MHz were used, each
> with a maximum field strength of 50 volts/metre.  The tests for
> simultaneous exposure to 940 and 1719MHz were performed with maximum
> combined field strength up to 35 volts/meter due to test equipment
> limitations."
> Does this make sense to all you experts out there?  Am I finally off the
> hook for my tragic "amps" error?

Yes, now it makes sense.  The reason I seek correction, is that people 
often report misinformation, which then gets repeated as "fact" and then 
someone gets all upset about the hazards implied by this "fact" etc. 
One thing I've often noticed, it that the people who report news on the 
TV & radio (and to a lesser extent newspapers) are often incredibly 
clueless, about what they're reporting.  You'd almost think they're all 
natural blonds.  ;-)