[ltp] Installing rpms in alternate directories

James McKenzie linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 16 Oct 2004 23:45:19 -0700

Satish and others on the list:

Well, I started the relocation, and managed to delete beecrypt.  
However, rpm wants it....libbeecrypt.so.6, so can anyone send it offlist.


James McKenzie

Satish Balay wrote:

>On Sat, 16 Oct 2004, James McKenzie wrote:
>>Ok, I really need to read the man pages.  I still have a question though.  I
>>want to install /usr/lib in /opt/lib under FC2.  Has anyone done this,
>>successfully.  I know about symlinks, but some programs will fail with
>>"mysterious" errors.  I don't plan on moving /usr/lib/X11R6 or any of the
>>subdirectories under it. 
>>The reason I want to do this is I'm running out of space in the root (/)
>>directory and I don't want to rebuild the system, again.  I just spend a week
>>recovering from my last attempt.  I really would like to do a clean install,
>>but FC3 is supposed to be released in about a week, and test 3 is out there
>looks like you are looking for:
>rpm --relocate /usr=/opt foo.rpm
>But how about mounting the new partition as /usr and transfer current
>files over to the new partition by booting off rescue/knoppix-cd - and
>using 'rsync -a' to copying over?