[ltp] swsusp2 patches
Eben King
Sat, 4 Sep 2004 01:33:57 -0400 (EDT)
OK, I screwed up somewhere.
I had linux- source, which I made by patches 2.6.8 -> 2.6.8 -> . I downloaded software-suspend- and
software-suspend-core-2.0-whole.bz2 and tried to apply them as the HOWTO
said (except that instead of "patch < file" I did "bzip2 < file.bz2 |
patch"). I got told many times that this will create a file which doesn't
exist, did I mean -R? So I ^C'd and ran it with -R. This time it waned
me about operations creating files which DID exist, was that OK? Argh.
Oh yeah, before I started all this I tarred up the source dir, just in
case something bad (like this) happened. Whenever something failed I
would rm -rf the whole thing and re-extract it.
Back to the story.
At this point I thought maybe the source was bad (dunno how... it made a
working kernel and modules), so I got pristine sources from us.kernel.org.
No dice, same response.
I thought, maybe that's a bad patch file. So I downloaded
software-suspend- . Same deal. I went ahead
and approved _many_ patches, but on the core patch a hunk failed. :-(
So, I ask you, O wise ones, where should I look or what should I do
-eben ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm home.tampabay.rr.com/hactar
Drive nail here > < for new monitor.