[ltp] advice on Linux distribution for A20M (2628)
Bernard Tremblay
Mon, 01 Aug 2005 02:05:17 -0400
Alejandro Bonilla Beeche a écrit :
>On Sun, 2005-07-31 at 07:29 +0800, James Oldham wrote:
>>I just got an A20M (2628).
>>Any advice on what distributions work best on this hardware?
>>Any gotchas?
>>James Oldham
>>rogopag at operamail.com
>You probably want to run the distros with less load. Mandrake and RH,FC
>would kill that PC.
>Give Debian Woody (3.0) a try.It should do what you want.
> .Alejandro
I had Mandranke 10.1+KDE on a TP 600e with 256Mb of ram. This is a
smaller footprint than the A20M and performance was quite acceptable. I
ran FC3+Gnome too on the same computer and I had the same performance.
But you could use Enlightment or another light desktop or even no X at
all if you need a faster text interface. Right now I 'm writing this
from a TP A21P 800 Mhz, 512MB ram with Mandriva LE 2005 and KDE. Easy
install, zippy menus, it's working great. You'll probably need ltmodem
or mwave package depending on your modem.
I don't see why Mandriva or Fedora or any distribution would be
disqualified on "performance" grounds... Debian is ok too. It's more a
matter of familiarity with the OS's tools, the configurations tools, the
administrative tools... And what you want to do with the machine.
Mandriva is very easy to setup and is strong on the desktop. Just try
them all for a few weeks and choose the one that you prefer .... And
don't expect to have "objective" advice on that matter. A distribution
is somewhat like a religion. You can't ask the priest if it's religion
is good and expect an objective answer...
Mandriva rulez