[ltp] Kick up the Fan.

linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 1 Aug 2005 17:09:55 +0100 (BST)

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On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, Paul RIVIER wrote:

> That would be the normal way, but as you can see, T42 is not concerned.
> I own a T42 too. My fan can be switched on / off  - and when runing, speed 
> depends on cpu temp (hardware controled).
> I still don't understand why you want it to run faster, intel pentium M are 
> resistant to the heat, even 75°C is quiet acceptable for such a processor :) 
> (http://support.intel.com/support/processors/mobile/pm/sb/CS-007971.htm)

If I do really intensive compilations on my T40, ibm-acpi reports
that the CPU temperature can get to nearly 90C - I'm unsure if the
sensors are right of course (it doesn't feel THAT hot, but I don't
have a finger on the motherboard), but the machine promptly shuts
down, meaning the fan just didn't kick in *enough*?  It sits around
3500 (rpm?) according to ibm-acpi/gkrellm in normal use, but I guess
when it accelerates it still can't cool the CPU quick enough?

I know others have reported this here - or does everyone else find
that with up to date kernels (2.6.12+) and latest ACPI patches, their
T series thinkpads *never* shutdown due to overheating?  If it's only
me, I'm going to start worrying about fan failure, or dust blockage.
What are the highest CPU temperatures and fan speeds other T* users
see, and do your machines ever shut down from overheating?
