[ltp] Re: [ltp]ctivating 3 button on a t40p under debian sarge
Andrey Khavryuchenko
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 14:33:36 +0300
"RN" == Richard Neill wrote:
RN> Have you tried tpscroll? This uses the button for both click and
RN> scroll, and guesses which one you meant. It does work quite well, once
RN> you get used to it.
I'm not the original persho who asked the question, but anyway...
I've tried to use tp-scroll, but it fails to get use of middle button on my
T30. Quick strace shows that it doesn't get any system message when it's
Now working using gpm with modified synaptic and EmulateWheel and looking
for a working solution with tp-scroll.
Andrey V Khavryuchenko http://www.kds.com.ua/
Silver Bullet Software Solutions http://www.livejournal.com/~akhavr