[ltp] Reduce CD noise

Tino Keitel linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 2 Dec 2005 09:42:12 +0100

On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 22:08:56 +0100, Jaime Iniesta wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm looking for a way to slow down my CD / DVD drive on the R52 so it makes
> less noise when reading. This way I can listen quietly to audio CDs or mp3
> on CD...
> I tried "hdparm -M 128 /media/cdrom" but it didn't work. I'm on Ubuntu 5.10 .
> Thanks!

I have a Toshiba SD-R2412 combo drive. It has a nice feature which
automatically slows down the disc if only low data rates are required,
e.g. when playing an audio CD or video DVD. This feature was totally
ignored by Toshibas marketing folks, but I like it very much. Does
anyone know if this feature has a fancy name or if other drives can
also do this?
