[ltp] Reduce CD noise

Shem Multinymous linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 6 Dec 2005 15:29:08 +0200


On 12/6/05, Jaime Iniesta <capitanplaneta@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I tried, with no results, both ideas. The bios on my R52 does have an
> option for the CD, you can choose between "fast", "normal" and "silent". =
> tried "silent" but it just makes it a little bit quieter, but not really
> silent.

CD speed is one of the things controlled by SMAPI. If someone figures
out the interface, we can add it to tp_smapi and see if there's a
still-slower mode that's not accessible through the BIOS setting. The
following SMAPI function codes (i.e., content of BX register when
writing 0x80 to port 0xB2) might be relevant:

#define SMAPI_GET_CDROM_STATUS                  0x8220
#define SMAPI_SET_CDROM_STATUS                  0x8221
