[ltp] Fingerprint reader and the Bios

Arnaud Fontaine linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 13 Dec 2005 15:44:54 +0100

>>>>> "Shem" == Shem Multinymous <multinymous@gmail.com> writes:

    Shem> Yes, it's possible. The bundled Windows software does
    Shem> that. I'm not aware of any Linux solution.


I have already tested Windows software, but i was wondering if an
equivalent exists on GNU/Linux.

Arnaud Fontaine <arnaud@andesi.org> - http://www.andesi.org/ | GPG
Public Key available on pgp.mit.edu | Fingerprint: D792 B8A5 A567 B001
C342 2613 BDF2 A220 5E36 19D3