AW: AW: [ltp] Thorsten Duechting is out of the office.
James Knott
Sat, 24 Dec 2005 08:01:08 -0500
Meidinger Chris wrote:
> I know that mentioning Outlook on a Linux mailing list was silly :)
> A lot of people can't avoid Outlook/Exchange though.
> Can one convince Notes/Domino to be more selective sending OoO-replies??
I don't know about Domino server as I've never worked with it.
As for Outlook/Exchange, I'm in the unfortunate position of having to
support Outlook, and it's beyond me why any company that values it's
data would ever consider using it. Lost "Personal Folders" are a common
experience for users and often they're unrecoverable. When that
happens, you can generally kiss goodbye to about 1 GB of messages! I
have been working with email and messaging systems for a significant
portion of the past 30 years and have never seen a situation, where such
data loss is considered acceptable. But I guess since it's from MS, it
has to be "good".