[ltp] Re: T43 and Linux problems
Christopher Sawtell
Mon, 26 Dec 2005 12:44:42 +1300
On Monday 26 December 2005 11:00, Eric Van Buggenhaut wrote:
> The dual boot problem would probably be the same whether you use 2
> OSes on 2 different partitions or on 2 different disks.
> It's more a
> matter of correctly configuring your bootloader, be it grub or lilo.
Although specifically aimed at the Gentoo Linux installer/user this URL is
a pretty good explanation of how to set up the MBR using either grub or
Take particular note of the method used to boot Windows.
<quote='Section of grub.conf'>
# The next four lines are only if you dualboot with a Windows system.
# In this case, Windows is hosted on /dev/hda6.
title=Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd0,5)
chainloader +1
Another trap to note is that grub starts counting at 0 while the normal
partition labels start at 1.