[ltp] Shopping for a Thinkpad

Ted Frater linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 27 Dec 2005 17:48:41 +0000

Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:

>On Sun, 25 Dec 2005 02:48, cyne wrote:
>>On Saturday 24 December 2005 3:47, Ted Frater wrote:
>>>Its a pleasant change to see a poster actually think to give their
>>  I'm on a few email lists where it's a rule,  so it's in my sig file! 
>>Thanks to all for the advice, it'll help me figure out what to do!
>I have a friend who is the victim of identity theft.  I don't have a specific 
>use case for a vulnerability due to email publishing, but I think it's unwise 
>to put too much identifying information out into public like this.
>We now know your full name and the town you live in, and that you are at least 
>associated with enough money to have a Thinkpad.
>And this will be archived for anyone to find (with Google's efficient help), 
>for the foreseeable future.
>I live in New Zealand, and just now they're getting around to restricting 
>access to driver's license information because of stalkers.  Bloody about 
>I recommend you remove your last name and the town you live in.  Knowing "USA" 
>really ought to be enough for any legitimate purpose on the list, with 
>private messages providing anything else you deem appropriate for a specific 
>communication on a case by case basis.
>There is NO privacy on the Internet.  None.  Your own personal integrity will 
>not shield you from people who don't reciprocate.
>Tell your other mailing lists to join the 21st century, which is no more or 
>less unpleasant than the last one, but which is heavily automated.
Hi Bret, I think your beng ultra cautious.
 Afterall New Hamapshire is about the size of one of the New Zealand 
Not exactly saying where she  lives.
 Same as I say Im in Dorset UK.  About the size of Tasmania.
Any one that wanted to stalk me would have a very hard time of it
. We have everything we need to dig very big holes very quickly,
so unwanted folk come here at their own risk.
assuming they could find us out in the sticks.
I agree, that in an urban area caution prevails.