[ltp] my t23 modem, wvdial, reprised

Nick Rout linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 13 Feb 2005 13:49:14 +1300

On Sat, 2005-02-12 at 16:22 -0800, Michael Perry wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2005 at 01:11:22PM +1300, Nick Rout wrote:
> > On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 09:31 -0800, Michael Perry wrote:
> > > Okay... per some suggestions from responders to my earlier email I
> > > downloaded and get the modem working.  There is some wierdness with the
> > > whole thing though.  On debian, there is this minimal tool (which I
> > > happen to like a lot) called pppconfig.  You can start a ppp connection
> > > by simply doing "pon nameofconnection" and stop one by doing "poff
> > > nameofconnection".   Works very well with the ltmodem except the
> > > non-standard /dev/ttyLT0 will not stick in the pppconfig script at all
> > > so I linked to /dev/modem and its fine.  But wvdial is my preferred way
> > > of doing things and I have had dismal failure with it.  It will not open
> > > the serial device at all no matter where I link it to including
> > > something like /dev/ttyS13 which is open for use I have read.  Wvdial
> > > just fails no matter what I do to open the serial port and dial.
> > > Minicom (man... it still looks the same :) ), works fine as does the
> > > debian ppp configurator.
> > > 
> > Does anyone use wvdial with the ltmodem device on the thinkpad t23?
> > 
> > not a driect match, but wvdial works fine on the ltmodem device in my
> > t20.
> Hi Nick-
> Thanks for the email.  Seems like I have an issue with wvdial where it
> cannot open the serial device.  If I use xisp or pppconfig on debian it
> all works fine.  I've gotten a bit of advice on how to get ltserial
> setup and I'm gonna give it a try this evening in the hotel.  I'm on
> broadband wireless all afternoon thankfully so I don't have the desire
> to experiment with dialup.

cheers, I load ltserial (which also loads ltmodem) at boot, whether I am
using the modem or not. 

There is probably also a way to get hotplug atc to load the required
modules when you try to access that device, but the way I do it works

How to load modules on boot varies per distro, look around and
about /etc/modules.conf - you probably know all that :-)

> -- 
> Michael Perry | do or do not. There is no try. -Master Yoda
> mperry@lnxpowered.org | http://www.lnxpowered.org
Nick Rout <nick@rout.co.nz>