[ltp] IBM Thinkpad BMPs

Eben King linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 13 Feb 2005 16:15:48 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, kain wrote:

> maybe this is a bit offtopic: I need the original 16bit BMP file shipped 
> with the latest bios release and Centrino logo up to date, standing at 
> the changelog(I have a R50e 1834NFG Pentium M 1500Mhz).
> Can someone please put it online or mail me the file?
> Plus kindly I ask if someone has some IBM artwork on black background, 
> centrino, original thinkpad logotypes, and so on.

My T40's boot screen says "IBM" and something about F12, no mention of 
Centrino.  I also have access to a T41 which says "IBM" and _does_ mention 
Centino, but as I rarely use it I'm not sure of its specifics.  Would either 
of these do?  If so, how do I extract the BIOS?

The powers in charge keep us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor
with the cry of national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil to
gobble us up if we did not furnish the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in retro-
spect, these disasters seem never to have been quite real. -- Gen. D. MacArthur