[ltp] Radeon and ACPI S3 on 2373-9FU
Job de Haas
Mon, 21 Feb 2005 19:55:08 +0100
> >I'm wondering though if anyone has a IBM system that *doesn't* work.
> >Enumerating all possible IBM thinkpads that work seems like it's going
> >to be a huge waste of time/effort. Maybe we should just match all DMI
> >products that have a vendor of IBM, or all products whose product name
> >has a certain prefix (like 2373).
I don't understand the modeling scheme at all anyway, but I suspect
that the only way to figure it out is to collect enough reports.
Apparently there are already differences in the types of graphics chips
between these 2373's so a non working model is just as likely.
Big question is if anyone is collecting them at all..
> I have a A22p (2629) series that likes to run with the Radeon driver,
> but I have yet to get an output like what I see above. If I did, I
> would try to patch the driver to see if the power drain I experience
> when I use Radeon support.
The only valid thing in the patch info is the '23739FU' which is
available from tools like dmidecode or vpddecode.
Product Name: 23739FU
Machine Type/Model: 23739FU