[ltp] Re: power uses.
Francois Maltey
Sun, 27 Feb 2005 16:26:21 +0100
Hello !
I test my laptop power with :
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ;
do sleep 1 ; cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | grep rate ;
done ;
I use X11 and the vesa driver (a part of the /var/log/XFree86.0.log is bellow)
I kill the network by /etc/init.d/networking stop ; rmmod ipw2200
But I can't light down the green wifi led. Is it possible ?
Sometine I run the boinc client, it's a program as seti.
With wifi and with boinc
from 30282 mW to 30665 mW - the average about 30500 mW
Without wifi and with boinc
from 29833 mW to 29974 mW - the average about 29900 mW
With wifi and without boinc
about 18500 mW without network use
19100 mW with one ping per second.
21800 mW with 400 ping per second
Without wifi and without boinc (after some seconds)
from 17945 mW to 19086 mW - the average is about 18400 mW
So boinc computation drains energy.
My standard batery info tells me three months after my buy.
design capacity: 47520 mWh
last full capacity: 46640 mWh
My kernel is :
petoncle:~$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.8-1-686 (joshk@trollwife)
(gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-2)) #1 Thu Nov 25 04:34:30 UTC 2004
I don't know why I have acpi and freq_table in my lsmod.
I put low battery-power in the BIOS.
With boinc I get with cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU/power
active state: C3
default state: C1
bus master activity: 00000000
C1: promotion[C2] demotion[--] latency[000] usage[00000010]
C2: promotion[C3] demotion[C1] latency[001] usage[00395678]
*C3: promotion[--] demotion[C2] latency[085] usage[00709782]
Without boinc I get with cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU/power
active state: C2
default state: C1
bus master activity: 101c0008
C1: promotion[C2] demotion[--] latency[000] usage[00000010]
*C2: promotion[C3] demotion[C1] latency[001] usage[00395879]
C3: promotion[--] demotion[C2] latency[085] usage[00711612]
The /proc/acpi/processor/CPU/throttling is always the same.
Is it possible to raise the batery use ?
To force to very low frequency ? even if X11 is slower.
Thanks a lot for your advice !