[ltp] Xandros

Joachim Schrod linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 2 Jan 2005 15:52:46 +0100

>>>>> "S" == SOTL  <sotl155360@earthlink.net> writes:

FWIW, my experience with SUSE on Thinkpads is good. I use it on my
Butterfly (CS701), on my T21, and on my T51. It was also installed on
diverse 560X that we owned.

S> I also recall that SuSE will not identify a Thinkpad monitor

I use SUSE distributions since years on my Thinkpads. If I took the
current distribution, it recognized my Thinkpad monitor all the time.

S> nor my WiFi network

SUSE 9.2 detects and configures ipw2100 on my T41.

S> and that when I attempted to configure DSL without having the
S> Thinkpad connected to DSL I was ask for a username and password.

I don't know about your part of the world, but here you have two
different DSL connection architectures: Either you use a router, and
then you don't have to configure DSL at all; it's simply Ethernet. Or
you connect directly; then PPPoE is used, and ISPs demand username and
password as authentication.


Joachim		     The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the
Rödermark, Germany   one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!"
<jschrod@acm.org>    (I found it!) but "That's funny..." [Isaac Asimov]