[ltp] Handy little device (& cheap!)

Marius Gedminas linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 2 Jan 2005 00:13:51 +0200

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On Fri, Dec 31, 2004 at 09:01:58AM +0200, David Tansey wrote:
> I just bought a palm t3. i want to have access to an SD card. what
> sd-to-cf adapter did you use? it's been reliable? no special drivers?

I'm using a noname SD-to-USB adapter that I bought from a local hardware
shop for about $10.  It worked like a charm right out of the box (as a
USB mass storage device).

> i am running ubuntu on an x40 so i have things pretty up to date.=20

In other words, the SD slot on x40 does not work in Linux, just as I
suspected.  Or is it that only some x40 models have a built-in SD card

Marius Gedminas
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humans, just as you shouldn't try to use it as a programming language, alth=
people have been so in love with XML that they've tried to do both.
        -- Bruce Eckel

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