[ltp] Battery drain in S3

Bob Alexander linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 03 Jan 2005 16:03:42 +0100

Ragnar Hojland Espinosa wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 01, 2005 at 08:56:33PM +0100, Bob Alexander wrote:
>>Under 2.6.9 with APM battery drain is quite good: around 0.9% of my high 
>>capacity battery per hour. The problem is that when I ran this test 
> [..]
>>This is why I tried 2.6.10 but in this I have the opposite behaviour: 
>>the resume comes out perfectly even after protracted periods bu the 
>>drain is unacceptable at around 9% per hour !!! This is also 
> Bob, I haven't had yet the chance to look at the changelog and its
> quite a shot in the dark.. but how about disabling the ibm_acpi
> support that now comes in .10?

Ragnar (nice name reminds me of my THOR readings when very young :)),
thank you. Are you suggesting that I try with 2.6.10 and APM ?

I have tried 2.6.9 and APM and 2.6.10 and 1.6.10-rc3-mm1 with ACPI and I 
could try 2.6.9 with ACPI (maybe I did but do not remember the outcome) 
or the 2.6.10 with APM ...

Let me have your ideas on this please.

Thank you very much,