[ltp] DSL connection on a20m

Lyndon Tiu linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 8 Jan 2005 21:26:42 -0800

On January 8, 2005 07:23 pm, Cynthia Eliason wrote:
>  My "new" Thinkpad arrived, and  I installed SimplyMepis sucessfully.  But
> I can't get on the Internet with it so am still using the old Thinkpad 600
> with Red Hat 7.something ...   The DSL modem is connected to another
> computer, and the Thinkpad is connected to that computer with ethernet.  
> The TP 600 connection works just fine, but the A20M doesn't.   It says it
> has a connection,  but it can't find any web sites.
>    Oh, also - I booted to Windows to see if the connection worked there and
> it is the same - knows about the eth0 connection but can't get on the
> Internet. I did get the computer  to go on the Web one time, after booting
> from the Knoppix CD.   But then when I went back into Mepis it didn't work.
>  And when I tried again with Knoppix I haven't been able to get it to work
> again.
>  Any suggestions appreciated - I'm just a Linux user, no technical
> knowledge - though I'm told that having two computers on my desk means I am
> becoming a geek.

Check DNS under:


Check default gateway:

netstat -rn

The default should point at the middleman machine that connects to the 

Lyndon Tiu