[ltp] SOLVED: APM not waking up after prolonged sleep to RAM

André Wyrwa linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 13:43:15 +0100

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Hei Bob,

> In the config->power section, towards the bottom, there was a setting=20
> which sounds like "Hibernate after suspend expires -> Enabled". I just=20
> put this as Disabled and my TP woke up this morning like a young 6 years=20
> old on Sunday morning :)
> This is quite logical since something must have happened between a short=20
> and long sleep. It was this suspend timer expiring.

did you enable hibernation with APM at all? Did you create a hibernation
file on a fat partition or a hibernation partition?

And if you did...did your notebook not resume from hibernation after it
didn't wake up from sleep?

I'm trying to find out if this is really a bug/misbehaviour or just
logical behaviour.


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