[ltp] T42 Win XP RescueRecovery from CD hung

Oleg L. Sverdlov linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:49:41 +0200

What is the size of Windows partition now?

Ulrich Scholler wrote:

>On Tue Jan 11, 2005 at 19:55:59 +0100, Florence Berbain wrote:
>>On a related note, I used Partition Magic to shrink the original WinXP 
>>partition and format the free space to ext3 (so my linux partitions sit 
>>between the WinXP partition at the beginnning of the disk and the 
>>Restore partition at the end). But now Partition Magic says it lost the 
>>drive letters, so I can't use it at the moment. Reinstalling PM didn't help.
>I have had a similar problem resulting in the same error message
>recently.  I resolved it by using another (commercial) partition manager
>that for some reason did not choke on my partition table.  It seems that
>Partition Magic is a little fussy.

Oleg Sverdlov

OLS Software
Advanced Websites Solutions

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