[ltp] KDE3.3 and running fan

Eric Huguet linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 14 Jan 2005 14:24:51 +0100

Hi list,

I buy a R51 (1830 BRG) one month ago. I installed a dual 
boot Suse 9.2/windows XP. Of course my fan keeps running
after it starts :-(. I checked that it is truely a linux problem: it is. 
So I write to suse support, they gave me the following answer:   

You find the following article about that in our SUSE Support
Knowledgebase within the SUSE LINUX Portal
(http://portal.suse.de/sdb/en/index.html) with the keyword "desktop".

I make the change indicated but apparently (?) without succes. 
After reading the list mail and some others I tried two things:
1) enabled the powersaved function for the hdd: under Suse
this means to start yast, go in the system-->power management section,
edit the current scheme and enabled the hdd powersaving.
2) add the line: Option "DynamicClocks" "true", as suggested by
morpheus, in the XF86config file. 

AND IT'S WORKS!! the fan starts and stops after cooling. 

Note that the behavior is still strange: I did some hard computations with 
mathematica during which the fan starts a 65 C 
(cat /proc/thermal_zone/THM0/emperature)
and stops at about 50C.   But the fan started also when i was writting the 
present e-mail (at about 42C) and stops after a 19 minutes (at about 


PS: I'm not sure that the line 
(II) RADEON(0): Dynamic Power Management Enabled (cf Moritz's first mail)
in the Xlog file means "DynamicClocks" "true"?