[ltp] X31 radeon framebuffer 2.6.10 problem
Brian P. Flaherty
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 07:52:53 -0500
I've been using the radeon framebuffer for a while and, in general, it
has just worked very well. I haven't needed to put it as a kernel
argument. However, I recently installed 2.6.10 and the framebuffer
doesn't give me the high resolution console.
The framebuffer is compiled into the kernel and the output of dmesg
during the boot process in 2.6.10 and 2.6.9 (where it worked) is
identical. However, what I saw in 2.6.9 during the boot process was
that the screen went blank for a bit and the boot messages would
resume at the framebuffer console size. In 2.6.10, it goes blank and
doesn't come back for a long time. The underscore cursor remains at
the bottom of the screen and you can see it bounce back and forth
(about where you would expect if the messages were being printed).
Then during the execution of items in rc2.d, the screen comes back,
but at the regular resolution (is it 80x24?). I cannot see any
indication of why it comes back.
According to fbset, the framebuffer is working as it should:
gautama:/home/bxf4# fbset -i
mode "1024x768-60"
# D: 65.003 MHz, H: 48.365 kHz, V: 60.006 Hz
geometry 1024 768 1024 768 8
timings 15384 168 16 30 2 136 6
hsync high
vsync high
rgba 8/0,8/0,8/0,0/0
Frame buffer device information:
Name : ATI Radeon LY
Address : 0xe0000000
Size : 16777216
XPanStep : 8
YPanStep : 1
YWrapStep : 0
LineLength : 0
MMIO Address: 0xc0100000
MMIO Size : 16384
Accelerator : No
X windows appears to work just fine. Any ideas where what I've missed
or what changed in 2.6.10? Thanks very much for your time and