[ltp] madwifi stupid question

Brian D. Ropers-Huilman linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 26 Jan 2005 19:42:03 -0600

Hash: SHA1

I am using the madwifi driver on Gentoo where you compile everything
from scratch. As such, I often have many kernel sources lying about in
/usr/src/. One thing madwifi checks is where the symbolic link
/usr/src/linux points to. You might be running a 2.6.10 kernel, but if
your /usr/src/linux points to, say, /usr/src/linux-2.6.9 then madwifi
will compile against the 2.6.9 kernel and install into the

Based on your comment below that you can see files under
/lib/modules/2.6.10/net, I would have to guess that you might not
actually be running a 2.6.10 kernel. I see your uname -r shows
2.6.10-1-686. Your modules should go into a /lib/modules/2.6.10-1-686
directory then.

If you are not running the right kernel, check your bootloader. If you
use grub, look at /boot/grub/grub.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst and make
sure the option you pick is specifying the 2.6.10 kernel properly.

Just some thoughts.

Pascal Bonesh said the following on 2005-01-26 15:15:
| Hi,
| I never compiled a kernel and am fairly new to compiling C/C++ at
| all. ... That much to excuse myself for this question:
| Why are the *.ko files that "make install" copies from /usr/src/madwifi
| in /lib/modules/2.6.10/net not found when I try "modprobe ath_pci"?
| I am sure this is something trivial like symlinking it to somewhere or
| writing some line in some /etc file but I can't figure it out...
| I did this:
| - cd to /usr/src
| - cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/madwifi co
| madwifi
| - make
| - make install
| - modprobe ath_pci
| FATAL: Module ath_pci not found.
| Now finally being so close to my goal of having my wireless card
| running... what's wrong? Why are the *.ko files lying there
| in /lib/modules/2.6.10/net so lonely when all the other modules are
| in /lib/modules/2.6.10-1-686/kernel/net?
| Thank you
| pascal
| some more info:
| # uname -r
| 2.6.10-1-686
| it's a Debian Sid installation

- --
Brian D. Ropers-Huilman  .:. Asst. Director .:.  HPC and Computation
Center for Computation & Technology (CCT)        bropers@cct.lsu.edu
Johnston Hall, Rm. 350                           +1 225.578.3272 (V)
Louisiana State University                       +1 225.578.5362 (F)
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1900  USA              http://www.cct.lsu.edu/
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