[ltp] more /dev/thinkpad

linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 17 Jul 2005 15:50:19 +0100 (BST)

On Sun, 17 Jul 2005, Vo^ Danh wrote:

> On 7/17/05, Tom Adelstein <tom.adelstein@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 11:10 +0300, David Tansey wrote:
>>> they're not in the standard kernel. in ubuntu they are in a package
>>> called thinkpad-source, which you then have to compile. i have no idea
>>> what they'd be in fedora.
>>> look for a package with the world "thinkpad" in it.
> is there a kernel dedicated for think pad??? I've just ever hear about
> that. Give me some idea and place to download it, plz.

I'd imagine the Extras repositories has plans for a
kernel-modules-thinkpad package (which includes /dev/thinkpad), as
they already have tpctl and configure-thinkpad in there for Fedora
Core 4 - I haven't checked the bugzilla yet.  If it has any
proprietary parts to it, the Livna repository will have plans -
either way it will install simply with yum.  I guess it's on the TODO
list - I can ask around.

In the meantime, I'm just playing with the spec file to build an RPM
for it from Dag Wieers' RPM, which is quite outdated and for kernel
2.4. It looks like I have it at least building now, but it needs a
little tweaking.  If anyone's interested, I'll send back my spec file
to Dag, and I guess he'll include an updated RPM soon.  Or if you're
ok for building your own RPM from a spec file (it'll need rebuilding
for each new kernel) I could send it to anyone, if wanted.

It's a bit hacky just now, so I'll try and clean it up.  And make
sure it actually works :)  But /dev/thinkpad for FC4 doesn't look
hard to do.