[ltp] Vertical refresh rate at VGA out

Georg Sauthoff linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 24 Jul 2005 16:04:18 +0200

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I use xorg > 6.8 [1] at my thinkpad R40 and it works. But now I want to
attach an external monitor to the vga output.

This works too, but the monitor is at 60Hz - which sucks. It does DDC
(Samtron 96P).

I tried some "Screen_foo" LeftOf "Screen_bar" construct and the
'MergedFB' mode.

=46rom the Xorg.0.log I get this:
(II) RADEON(0): Secondary:
 Monitor   -- NONE
 Connector -- Proprietary
 DAC Type  -- TVDAC/ExtDAC
 TMDS Type -- NONE
 DDC Type  -- NONE

AFAIR Xfree worked[2] with a similiar setup at this thinkpad - I don't use
this feature frequently, and when you cannect it to a beamer you don't
notice it because a beamer is fine with 60Hz.

Does anyone has a working Dual-Head setup with a Radeon 7500 and Xorg?
What version of Xorg do you use?

Georg Sauthoff

[1] some cvs snapshot (
[2] i.e. it changed the vertical refresh rate to a higher value at the
externel monitor.

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