[ltp] Re: New ati-drivers out there

Alejandro Bonilla linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 15 Jun 2005 09:05:30 -0600

> Hash: SHA1
> After commiting a bug report to ATI Customer Care on non working
> suspend/resume with fglrx driver I received almost
> immediately the response:
> "We do not provide tech support on laptops/notebooks, and mobility
> products, nor do we support Linux Operating Systems."
> For me it's the last time I ever purchased an ATI or ATI
> inside product.
> Pezhman G.


	I encourage everyone that think or want to give IBM feedback about the
adapters they incorporate as their video cards... To send an email to
askibm@vnet.ibm.com to Ask IBM to please use nvidia cards or tell ATI to
make better video drivers.

	We, here cannot do anything about it. Just ask our provider to please sell
us what we want.
