[ltp] Re: IBM HDAPS Someone interested?
Flavio Visentin
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 19:03:50 +0200
Hash: SHA1
> Well, some piece of software needs to park the HDD when the notebook is
> falling, and that piece of software should better be running since the
> notebook is powered on. Hence my suspicion it's in the BIOS. It doesn't
> have to be visible to the user, at all.
No, the software, under Windows, is an application; you can control
the behaviour of the disk based on the response of the chip.
Anyway I don't think it's a simple task to create a driver for the
accelerometer; one thing is to read the data from the chip (I suppose
it's not too hard), but the most part of the job is to know what to do
with the data you read.
IBM developed a mathematical model that describes the typical usage of
the ThinkPad, and they based the action on this math model. Developing
a free math model is quite hard and also we cannot destroy 5 or 6 TP
only to see how the signals are produced by the chip in all the
possible situations (IBM instead can destroy as much TP as they want :(
I think the only practical solution is to ask IBM to release a free
driver for linux; maybe joining our forces we can achive some result.
- --
Flavio Visentin
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