[ltp] What does acpi display on your thinkpad? T43p in particular!
Sean O Sullivan
Mon, 27 Jun 2005 19:27:57 +0100
Alejandro Bonilla wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>as already said in some previous messages, I do have the impression
>>that my thinkpad (T43p) does not cool enough. I know my fan can do
>>better (when system boots it boosts the fan), but even under hours of
>>compiling with 100% cpu load the fan speed does not perform as hard as
>>it can. In acpi the temperature is 87 C. Is that real? Please send me
>>some information about your acpi temperatures. I know, that ibm-acpi
>>yields a set of 4 or 5 temperature values. What do they stand for?
>>Thanks to all responders,
> AFAIK, temp limit is about 113 C to 125 C. When I compile, the fan does not
>sound that loud, like I would like it to do it, but does hold the
>temperature from 82 C to 87 C.
> I use laptop_mode and cpureqd to keep it cooling down while I use it and
>it's awesome.
>If you are using the Laptop to compile only, you are in my point of view,
>wrong. You should use some sort of desktop or do things remotely. A laptop
>is not to compile and burn it all day.
>So, 87 C is OK for a full throttle CPU.
> .Alejandro
Have T41 (Similarish spec I believe), just cat'd
laptop has been on for about 20mins, and currently getting yum updates
etc - temp is about 33
Critial is 95 apparently (according to another file in
/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THMO/ )