[ltp] Swsusp2 not working on T40

Tomek Jarzynka linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 27 Jun 2005 23:41:51 +0200


I've been doing a fresh install of my Linux and decided to give
hibernation another shot.
echo mem > /sys/power/state seems to work
(BTW any good scripts for unloading USB, wireless and the like
out there?), at least from the console.

The 'hibernate' script for swsusp2, however, always causes the
machine to freeze at the stage of preparing for a memory dump.
I've found some clues about intel-agp causing problems, but I
can't unload it, even after xdm is shut down (module in use,=20
but what exactly uses it is unspecifiec).

Is there a clean solution to this problem?

I've ruled USB out (by unloading it :>).

My configuration:
T40 (Radeon 7000), kernel, swsusp2 2.9.5

tomasz k. jarzynka / 601 706 601 / tomee(a-t)kadu(d-o-t)net

"Satyry, kt=F3re rozumie cenzor s=B1 s=B3usznie zakazane.
			-- Karl Kraus"