[ltp] tpm chip
Flavio Visentin
Thu, 03 Mar 2005 00:19:50 +0100
Hash: SHA1
> I use Google when I have a need. I have no need for TCPA. I admit it
> was just a quick reaction to the "trusted computing" label
I supposed :)
>, but no, I
> really am not interested in the matter. I will stick with resources
> that *I* consider trustworthy.
I cannot see how *YOU* can use any PC on the market. Do you have the
source code of the bios on your TP? Or maybe you disassembled it and
checked for security bugs?
TCPA is ONLY an infrastructure to use, nothing more and nothing less.
The tpm security chip can do basic cryptographic operations as storing
keys in a secure manner. It's as trustworthy as the chip on your
credit card, or the smartcard in your cell phone.
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/can-you-trust.html
> Yes, it's possible that RMS was wrong. When he signs on with TCG I
> promise I will take another look. In the meantime, dm-crypt.
RMS was here in Italy just last week. At the conference I attended, he
was using a smart phone (with a closed source software) and a classic
notebook (with a closed source bios). It seems to me that he trusts
his phone and PC vendors; I suppose you can do the same with a simple
Anyway I think everyone should be *free* to use anything he wants.
If I can choose between free and non-free, I choose the first.
If I cannot, I take what the market offers.
- --
Flavio Visentin
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There are only 10 types of people in this world:
those who understand binary, and those who don't.
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