[ltp] T40 hard lock after ~10 minutes on battery

Sean Dague linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 19:43:05 -0500

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I've got a T40 running Mandrake 10.1 (kernel  During the
past couple of months I've found that when I go from AC to Battery the whole
machine will lock up about 50% of the time, after about 10 minutes.

The fingerprint for this hard lock is always the same:
* First
	* CPU spikes to 100%
	* HD light goes on
	* Everything in X locks up, except the mouse, however clicking on
	  windows does nothing
* About 10 seconds later
	* Everything locks hard.  I have to hold down the power button for
	  the 10 secs required to hard off the laptop

For a while I was blaming my HD, as smart was showing that it was going.=20
However, that drive has been replaced as of last week, and this has happened
a couple times since.

Any ideas for things I should look at for the culprit?  This signature is
repeatable enough that it seems like others might have seen something like

Thanks in advance,



Sean Dague                                       Mid-Hudson Valley
sean at dague dot net                            Linux Users Group
http://dague.net                                 http://mhvlug.org

There is no silver bullet.  Plus, werewolves make better neighbors
than zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.

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