[ltp] Re: Never ending fans in spain
Mats Keil
Thu, 5 May 2005 04:27:38 -0700 (PDT)
I was in Seville for some years and working with an R40 + Mandrake 10.0
(still...). In an air-conditioned room (assuming "pleno verano"), I didn't
notice any abnormal fan activity, but w/o air condition the fan switches on
far more often (I have "speedfreq" installed to control CPU clock rate).
This behavior was seen also with another laptop computer (PIII + Mandrake 9.2),
so the most likely explanation for your increased fan activity is the plus in
ambient temperature. But for this reason I bought an R40 ("centrino") - since
its shell was designed originally to cope with temperatures which are more
typical for a Pentium-4 ;-)
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