[ltp] power supply DC cords breaks?

Niel Lambrechts linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 13 May 2005 22:35:43 +0200

ben wrote:

>>a DVD-writer and system board replaced (the laptop would not even
>>show the BIOS screen when powering it up). (And it was treated like
>>a piece of gold!)
>Aha!  No wonder you had problems.  Constantly biting your laptop,
>trying to hammer it into cool sculptures, or wrapping it about with a
>slice of lemon and then beating myself about the head with it, has
>caused me no end of problems as well.
>Ben Pearre          http://hebb.mit.edu/~ben       PGP: CFDA6CDA
>         Free music at http://hebb.mit.edu/FreeMusic
>Don't let Bush read your email!             http://www.gnupg.org

Hopefully I won't have to eventually dip it in brass cleaner...