[ltp] swivel tablet X series?

Alejandro Bonilla linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 24 May 2005 18:53:34 -0500

Paul Cuciureanu wrote:

>I asked the tech people at the roadshow.
>change 'usable' to 'no support comming from IBM'
This is when I get to hate my OEM and don't understand them. They should 
do something for their users.

Where is the Linux support? how about all the IBM talk about them and 
the linux community? We don't even ask them to provide support or even a 
driver. Just release the spec!!!

I'm not giving them money anymore.

>On 5/24/05, Alejandro Bonilla <abonilla@linuxwireless.org> wrote:
>>Paul Cuciureanu wrote:
>>>today, IBM had its Canadian roadshow, "Better by design"... and they
>>>were showing how easy it is to recover a system, with their Windows
>>>[patched(?)] system.
>>>nifty things.
>>>.. then I thought: "everything they're rambling about is available in
>>>Linux for a long time". ultimately, they too would end up at the
>>>command line to automate images.
>>>anyhow. they also mentioned their first tablet PC, but never got in
>>>depth with that... so I'm wondering, if you guys now more?
>>>I'm a prospect ThinkPad buyer, so I'm wondering why IBM, over somebody else .
>>>hmmm.. their fingerprint feature will not be usable to Linux users for
>>>2 years...
>>Say what!? How do you know this?
>>>please advise. I want both pro and con.
>>>thanks a bunch.
>>>do they have a Linux link on their buggy new Lenovo site?