[ltp] An "inverse" fan problem
Michael Keyl
Wed, 25 May 2005 13:52:11 +0200
On Wednesday 25 May 2005 02:04, Jan Girlich wrote:
> What about posting this small test-program? If you tell me how to use it
> and how you did the temperature-check etc., I will test it on my R51
> 1.5GHz.
Well, test-"program" is already said to much. I have just issued the following
command within an octave session:
a = rand(1000); while 1; a*a; endwhile;
and monitored fan + cpu temperature with the following shell command
watch -n1 "./temp+fan.sh `date +%s`"
where temp+fan.sh is the following script (you need ibm_acpi loaded with the
experimental=1 parameter)
#! /bin/bash
cat /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal
cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan
TIME_NOW=`date +%s`
echo Elapsed time: $((TIME_NOW - TIME_START)) Seconds.
(I know it could be done more clever.) If your octave is linked to an untuned
BLAS library the effect (cooling power insufficient) occurs as well,
although it takes a little bit longer until the passive temperature is
reached. If you don't have octave, just wait a little bit, I will write a
small C-program which does essentially the same.