[ltp] Re: An "inverse" fan problem
Alejandro Bonilla
Thu, 26 May 2005 21:19:24 -0500
Jared Warren wrote:
>I'm running Ubuntu/unstable on a X31 and my fan also never seems to
>turn on. My CPU temperature is regularly above 50 and I've seen it go
>over 70 (but I usually shut down manually if it hits 60) with similar
>GPU temps. Sending a speed command to /proc/acpi/ibm/fan doesn't seem
>to do anything. Nor does setting my trip_points which are, on bootup:
>critical: 91
>passive: 86
>It's almost always too hot to keep on my lap. How can I start
>diagnosing this problem?
It looks definitely too hot for me. You should try some applications to
help you here.
laptop_mode will help the HD and CPU spin down.
also cpufreqd should help you with the CPU speed if you have speedstep.
Still, I see this going too hot. Whichever linux version or whatever app
that you could be running, your lappy should not reach the 60 C, if it
does, then we are talking that hyou might want to try the Windows
partition if you have one, or check with IBM for service. It should
never take you to a point where it would reboot itself.
. Alejandro