[ltp] docking with DVI problem
Joerg Bruehe
Wed, 09 Nov 2005 13:35:09 +0100
Martin Höfling wrote:
> [[...]]
> hmm, I tried a Modeline Generator, it gives me a modeline with 176MHz. How is
> this calculated?
> I thought a resolution of 1600x1200@60 needs 1600*1200*60=115,2MHz
You forget the time of the gaps which a CRT needs to let the beam return
to the left (x pixels) for the next row, and to the top (time of y
lines) for the next picture. Sorry, I forgot the terms and values.
(In German TV, this is where "Videotext" is broadcast.)
So you have to change the formula to
(1600 + x) * (1200 + y) * 60
Even though a TFT (probably) does not need them, these gaps are still in
the specs for the signal. With a manually generated modeline, it _might_
be possible to reduce them, but this is just my speculation.
> is it possible to go below 60 Hz to reach a valid dot clock?
AFAIK, typical TFTs may require 60 Hz - they have much less "multisync"
capabilities than CRTs. However, this may depend on the model - check
your TFT's manual / data.
Joerg Bruehe - persoenliche Aeusserung / speaking only for himself