[ltp] T43 compatibility

Richard Mancusi linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 23 Nov 2005 14:43:03 -0600

I have a T30 that I am very pleased with.  Everything I need
works perfectly and very pleased with the screen brightness.  I
am looking at a T43 Model 2687D4U and seek your comments
about screen, sound, etc.

Original description: P M 750, 512MB RAM, 40GB 5400rpm HDD,
15 SXGA+(1400x1050) TFT LCD, 64MB ATI Radeon X300,
24x24x24x/8x CD-RW/DVD, Intel 802.11a/b/g wireless(MPCI),
Modem(CDC), 1Gb Ethernet(LOM), UltraNav, Secure Chip,
6 cell Li-Ion battery, WinXP Pro