[ltp] Best way of putting Debian on a X30

Wolf Wiegand linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 5 Oct 2005 23:14:08 +0200


Alex Polite wrote:

> If so what are my options? Does the x30 support PXE?

I'd guess it does (should be easy to find out in the BIOS). If your
external CD drive does not work for booting, you can easily set up a PXE
server on another machine using a Knoppix CD, which holds all required
software for this task (at least that's what I've read a couple of days
ago). Once booted into linux, you can use debootstrap
to install a basic debian system. Not quite as easy and
straightforward as installing from a CD, but should be working

hth, Wolf
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