[ltp] Graphical boot for ATI Radeon. Help needed.

Bob Alexander linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 08:32:41 +0200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:
> Instead of 'radeon:', use 'radeonfb:'

Bert thanks to your keen eye I am maybe making a little progress :)

Javier, thank you, fbset is our friend !!!

Lorenzo, could you check the 1400x1050.cfg file too ?

Now when suspend2iu_fbset executes I get the following behaviour:

1) for just a moment I see the correct background image
2) Text appears with the title and the XXX/YYYMB numbers and the action 
readable (a bit too low)
3) When the text appears the image returns to be a few diagonal bands of 
random pixels.

Same thing at resume.

Thank you for any further help. Additional info follows:


Here is my kernel line in GRUB now:

kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.13 root=/dev/hda7 ro 

and here is what fbset -i yelds:

mode "1400x1050-60"
     # D: 108.003 MHz, H: 63.983 kHz, V: 59.965 Hz
     geometry 1400 1050 1408 1050 16
     timings 9259 136 40 13 1 112 3
     rgba 5/11,6/5,5/0,0/0

Frame buffer device information:
     Name        : ATI Radeon Lf
     Address     : 0xe0000000
     Size        : 33554432
     Type        : PACKED PIXELS
     Visual      : DIRECTCOLOR
     XPanStep    : 8
     YPanStep    : 1
     YWrapStep   : 0
     LineLength  : 2816
     MMIO Address: 0xc0100000
     MMIO Size   : 16384
     Accelerator : ATI Radeon family

 From /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf
# Following is attempt to use fbsplash - RJA
ProcSetting userui_program /usr/local/sbin/suspend2ui_fbsplash

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

# Debian fbsplash theme for Software Suspend 2 v1.0
# Based on the Debian3 bootsplash theme
# http://www.bootsplash.de/files/themes/Theme-Debian3.tar.bz2
# Modified and adapted to Software Suspend 2 by Lorenzo Colitti
# http://www.colitti.com/lorenzo/

# Optimize?

# fgcolor is the text forground color.
# bgcolor is the text background (i.e. transparent) color.

# (tx, ty) are the (x, y) coordinates of the text window in pixels.
# tw/th is the width/height of the text window in pixels.

### name of the picture file (full path recommended)

### Title
text silent Vera.ttf 36 526 middle 175 middle #ffffff "Software Suspend 2"

### Progress bar
box silent noover  598  785  802  804 #000000
box silent inter   598  785  598  804 #000000
box silent         598  785  802  804 #ffffff

### Suspend2 status messages in bottom left corner ("Doing atomic copy" etc.)

### Progress monitor in bottom right corner
# Draw a black rectangle under it so the text is properly erased when updated
box silent inter   800  746  800  768 #000000
box silent         800  746 1023  768 #000000
box silent inter   800  746 1023  768 #000000
box silent inter  1023  746 1023  768 #000000

text silent VeraBd.ttf 16 1023 right 746 top #ffffff eval "$progress%"
