[ltp] r300 and x/mesa/drm CVS

Kevin Fenzi linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 19:51:40 -0600

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Torkild" == Torkild U Resheim <torkildr@resheim.no> writes:

Torkild> On Monday 26 September 2005 07:42, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
>> Greetings.
>> I was on a roll this weekend tweaking around with my thinkpad
>> t42p. I got HDAPS ( http://hdaps.sf.net ) working so I could watch
>> my thinkpad know that it was tilting and bioapi/pam_bioapi (
>> http://www.qrivy.net/~michael/blua/ ) all working with my
>> fingerprint reader, so I can use that to login and unlock my
>> xscreensaver.

Torkild> Cool :-) I got really inspired and followed the
Torkild> "instructions" found and now I have a halfway working
Torkild> pam/bioapi setup. The problem is that get a segfault just
Torkild> after entering the login when running
Torkild> ./test_verify-pam_bioapi. I've already created a bir file
Torkild> using the sample tools and copied it to
Torkild> /etc/bioapi1.10/pam/. Could you please give me some pointers?

Sure... there are several "gotchas"... 

- - You want in your /etc/pam.d/test-pam_bioapi: 

auth required pam_bioapi.so {5550454b-2054-464d-2f45-535320425350} /etc/bioapi/

The stuff in the {} is the identifier for the fingerprint reader. The example
has the one for the regular password interface. 

the /etc/bioapi dir is where I have it looking for the files (I
thought /etc/bioapi1.10/pam was a bit weird. ;) 

- - You want the pam_bioapi module in /etc/security/pam_bioapi.so

- - You want to make a directory called: 


- - You want to put the username.bir file you made with the bioapi
Sample executable for your user in that directory from the last step. 

- - At this point it should work for root. Try
'./test_verify-pam_bioapi username' 

- - In order to make it work for users, you have to do these things: 


It should work then. :) 
Good luck. 

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