[ltp] Embedded Controller & tp_smapi

Andrew Barr linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 6 Apr 2006 20:56:13 -0400

Hi. I'm noticing that the problem where the embedded controller seems to lose 
it's mind with tp_smapi loaded is pretty much gone on my machine. It seems to 
behave a lot better with my kernel: it's a 2.6.16 with the latest ACPI test 
patch from acpi.sourceforge.net and tp_smapi 0.18. I say "pretty much" 
because it still seems to happen but the effects are not disastrous. I see 

ACPI Exception (osl-0856): AE_TIME, Failed to acquire semaphore[c16d9b00|1|0], 
AE_TIME [20060210]

in dmesg from time to time but I don't lose my keyboard and mouse and 
KThinkBat doesn't cease to function as it did before. So if any of you are 
having that problem still, perhaps you could try the latest ACPI test patch. 
The one I'm using is here:


I'm using acpi-test-20060210-2.6.16.diff.bz2 but it does appear there is a 
newer one.

Andrew Barr			| 1024D/AD9AE76A
andrew.james.barr@gmail.com	| http://www.oakcourt.dyndns.org/~andrew

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