[ltp] synaptics + trackpoint

Igor V. Rafienko linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 9 Apr 2006 21:32:22 +0200 (MEST)

on Apr 9, 2006, 21:08, Daniel Skorka wrote:

[ trackpoint woes ]

> Those of you that have a T43 or similar, using the synaptics driver and 
> still have a working trackpoint: What exact configuration do you have 
> (xorg.cong, kernel version, version of synaptics driver)?

Let's see, did you poke through the logs? Is the synaptics device there?
Is the driver loaded (if it is, you should see a number of messages in 
xorg logs)? Which version of the synaptics driver? Does the xorg server 
complain about anything else relevant?

Well, "enough with the questions already" (C) Dr. Zoidberg, Futurama.

On my T43:

* x11-base/xorg-x11-7.0-r1
* x11-drivers/synaptics-0.14.4-r2
* my /proc/bus/input/devices says (among interesting things):

   I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0002 Product=0007 Version=0000
   N: Name="SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"
   P: Phys=isa0060/serio1/input0
   S: Sysfs=/class/input/input1
   H: Handlers=mouse0 event1

   I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0002 Product=000a Version=0000
   N: Name="TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint"
   P: Phys=synaptics-pt/serio0/input0
   S: Sysfs=/class/input/input2
   H: Handlers=mouse1 event2

   I had to create the actual input device, before my touchpad started
   working, as gentoo did not create that by default:

   /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules contains

   KERNEL=="input*", NAME="input/%k", MODE="0600"

* Xorg.0.log says:

   (II) LoadModule: "synaptics"
   (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/synaptics_drv.so
   (II) Module synaptics: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
   (II) Synaptics touchpad driver version 0.14.4 (1404)
   (--) Ultranav auto-dev sets device to /dev/input/event1
   (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event1"
   (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Ultranav" (type: MOUSE)
   (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Internal mouse" (type: MOUSE)

* The config files, xorg.conf:

   Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier  "Ultranav"
         Driver      "synaptics"
         Option      "Protocol"          "IMPS/2"
         Option      "Device"            "/dev/input/mouse0"

         # lots of irrelevant stuff

   Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier      "Internal mouse"
         Driver  "mouse"
         Option  "Protocol"      "Auto"
         Option  "Device"        "/dev/input/mice"
         Option  "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"

You can perhaps use "auto-dev" or "auto" for Ultranav protocol option.

> I also am unable to use an external USB mouse, so this is quite an 
> annoyance.

Here everything is working like charm: I simply stick my sun USB mouse 
into my TP, and everything just works.

Simula-konsulent? Simsulent? "I eat Java for breakfast!".
                                            -- thorkild