[ltp] [T43] Power Button creates no ACPI event

Felix E. Klee linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 16 Apr 2006 15:57:18 +0200

I've a T43 here where the power button does not generate any ACPI event.
With ibm_acpi not loaded, only FN-F4 and the lid generate an ACPI event, 
AFAICS.  With ibm_acpi loaded, all FN-F? buttons seem to cause ACPI 
events, but still not the power button.

What's up with that?  Does anyone else have the same problem?
Any solution?

Sys. config:
  # acpid --version
  # cat /etc/slackware-version
  Slackware 10.2.0
  # uname -a
  Linux t43 #1 Sun Apr 16 19:54:43 CEST 2006 i686 unknown
  unknown GNU/Linux
Felix E. Klee